Sunday, January 22, 2012

Knowing My Audience

Topic: The Website 9gag
            Despite the popularity of this, many of the users have little knowledge of the origins of 9gag. I would like to share with them how 9gag has evolved through time and how it has become more than just a site that makes people laugh -- but has also become one of the most influential and revolutionizing sites on the World Wide Web.

            Audience's profile: Age: 16-18 yrs. old (?), Level of Education: First Year College
Interests and needs: They have little interest in serious matters because, normally, people in this age try not to dwell in matters that are too complex for them. One of their most significant needs is technology and, most importantly, the internet. (This may not exactly be a need but a want but, in today's world, technology has been categorized into being more a of a need rather than a want. We need it to keep up with the fast pace of life.)
            General State of Mind: They may be bored due to the long speeches that have already heard previously before me but, hopefully, I can revive their interest with my topic.

The benefits that will be reaped from my speech by the audience is additional knowledge regarding 9gag. It may seem like it is not important to know much a bout the site but it may actually teach the audience that it is better to try to thirst for knowledge instead of thriving in ignorance. This can be done by trying to know more things about the things that they use in their everyday lives, even if it isn't required of them to do so. Also, since 9gag has become popular today, it would be helpful to know a little more about them and so to keep up with the trends of the modern world.

            My speech will inform the audience about the origins and unseeingly importance of 9gag to today's youth and world. My audience will most likely be a group of Filipino freshman college students with ages 16-18 -- most of which, I assume, are quite aware of the said site. I also hope that, since they have knowledge of said site, I might be able to re-capture their attention if they have become impatient with the previous speeches.
            The benefit that the audience will hopefully reap from my speech is an expanded knowledge about the site and intolerance for ignorance. It will also emphasize how 9gag has placed such and effect on the Filipino youth today. The speech is also helpful in updating people in the trending events in today's modern internet world.

VN00003-20120122-1430 by Ed de Guzman

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